Freqently Asked Questions

Q: So what's the idea here?

A: We'll try to help you achieve your objectives.

Q: What's my objective?

A: Usually a verb and a noun, but sometimes there's preposition and then another noun.

Maybe you have to bake chocolate chip cookies, make a margarita or connect your mac via ethernet.

Q: What's the objective of Pete's Picks?

A: tl;dr. stop wasting time. say and show less.

Aim to be accessible, precise and brief Make short focused writing to help get things done and help people buy better shit

Q: Do you have a half-baked list of thoughts?

A: Do I ever!

Our Mission:

Value time, share good shit, make money and leave some on the table!

Our Methods:
  • Embrace constraints / say less; show less; be smaller
  • Enable others / provide good guidance; acknowledge experise
  • Structure data / metadata is a love note to the future
  • Devalue optimization / minimize user-time; don't maximize revenue
  • Crush Verbosity and Sarcasm / be brief
  • Make choices / one option beats two; single values trump ranges
  • Imprecise Pricing / two significant figures is plenty
  • Bite-sized pages / 50-300 words is plenty
  • Be earnest / stand behind what you say until you change your mind
  • Not everyone is going to be happy / don't be a dick

Q: Why do you call everything cocktails, when some of them are just mixed drinks?

A: You're pedantic and pretenious. I'm sure you're a blast at parties.

Q: Who's behind PetesPicks?

A: notpeter

Q: How long has TGN been hard as fuck?

A: Since Jun-11-01, 06:41 PM (PT)
